4am Thoughts

Waking up with the sound of the little Robin outside the bedroom window, silver birch stood like soldiers no movement. Silent no wind or rain, peace fills the body and mind, a smile starts to make shape on the mans face as he realises what he has, thankful for the wonderful life that he lives. He sits looking out of the window his mind calm like a lake no ripple can be seen, his heart beats like the old bike he had slow but in time. The day is about to begin again another day, one that will be another achievement, to look after his flock the best he can, to make them safe and happy as he is, there needs come first and knowing this makes him happy to continue his day.

Will he rescue another Baby Lamb that is crying for its mum stood feet away and no body to help, it bothers him but freeing it gives him so much joy to see it run and head butt mum under her belly as it craves for her milk. Lifting the little baby bird from the road into the grass, filling the feeders first thing, he sits down with his beautiful Bella and gazes out at the Stunning male Bullfinch as it comes first for sunflower for its young that sing close by. Joined by baby Goldfinch, young Tree Sparrow and Greenfinch.

Bella sits on his shoulder and gently nudges his mouth, the communication between bird and man tells him Bella wants a drink so they walk to the get a drink, bows her head and drinks looking up after she drinks just like all birds do looking for danger, after 3 sips of water Bella looks at her Dad and says “Thanks Dad”. The bond is one only he knows his teaching and knowledge passed to his 3 year old Congo African Grey Parrot. He understands her body language her feather display, her Pupil size, her posture all telling him what mood she is in.

Keeping his flock happy daily is his goal one he has to tend to carefully with love and kindness that always comes first. He can now make a Wooden Owl for his friends or pick the camera up and find some wonderful wildlife to film, pass his knowledge of photography on to his mate. He will run out of time 5am to 2100hrs is not enough in Blackie’s world, but the light will fade eventually and he will lay down knowing his flock is happy and he filled his day with all things he loves in this wonderful life he lives.

I am so grateful for what i have.


Germany Barracks to River Bank Wennington

45 years pass since we met, the 2 lads are no grown men no different than when they met. Sitting on the river bank at 6.30am with a flask of coffee is when a Kinfisher lands. They laugh and joke abot many things.


Good Day To You All

Where ever you are on our crazy planet, I wish you a good day, and go forth and find your dream. Your dream the one that will fill your heart with love and happiness.

Walk the longest road, climb the highest mountain until you stand tall and proud. You may fall along the way and dint your ego but you are strong.

Look to the sky get strength from the Eagle and push on whatever happens, your dream awaits you, a dream that will come true.

It’s just down to you.

I need not find my dream, I found my dream on a cold October Night in 2010.

I climbed many mountains, I forged many streams, I fell many times but I got up and stood tall.

I dream no more.

Do you have a dream?

I was that man.



Don’t be sad today, don’t feel sorry for yourself, don’t worry about something you can’t change.

Dont think you are the only one feeling down, don’t look to much into what’s going on.

Don’t talk negative, think negative, don’t wait for it to get better. Dont think someone will make you feel different.

Just Don’t

It’s Life.

No 25

What do you see when you look at this Red Shirt worn by a man in 1991.

I went through my loft last week and came across this shirt.

Any other shirt would have been thrown away a long time ago, but there are certain things in life you hold onto.

A very simple Red T Shirt with a name of the front. So why does Blackie hold onto it.

Achievements in life are overlooked and have a place in your heart. They should be treasured through life and passed down to your children.

I don’t have many treasured items in life but this Red T Shirt means so much to me.

I look at it and see Blood Sweat and agony, strength and determination. Physical endurance, mental torture. All done for a reason. To see if a Man can can go through 12 weeks of the hardest, toughest challenge of his life

The average age of a man taking on this challenge was 23 years old, the man who wore this Red shirt was 34.

He would be known as 25 his number printed on his Helmet, Jacket, pants.

He would use 4 inch white Tape stuck on his lower back, feet, shoulders. Drink a Pint of Salt Water every evening.

Shouted at from 6am to 1600hrs every minute of the day, put through situations that would break the average man.

Entering the camp in the morning he ran to every building, not allowed to walk from door to door, and if caught it would mean punishment of some form

Why would you do this to yourself? Its a question that is easy to prove to myself I was as good as the next man, or better. For a challenge may sound stupid but when you come across something that is tough and will test you, I had to do it.

So the shirt is just a memory of how tough life was for 12 weeks back in Dec 1990. And a reminder of the inner qualities I had back then.

I want to carry on challenging myself but there comes a time after 2 operations that something is telling you to look after your body.

We all have amazing things we have took on and conquered so if that’s you and have something that shows what have done, or achieved. Then get it out and remember who you are.

Parachute Course TShirt from 1990

Rich not in money

Yes we are restricted today but always remember.

What will the day bring.

No Family Today

No Loves and Kisses.

No sitting together.

No playing with the children

No Sunday dinner.

A Glass of wine and a chat.

But I Have.



My Health

My mind

I can see

I can hear








Open the door with no worries, walk where I want, when I want.

I am rich but not with money but what I have and what I can do.

Living in a Country where your Free, a freedom taken for granted never thought about in Great detail.


Restricted Life

When I was told I was going to Northern Ireland for 6 month and I had to leave my wife my Son of 4 and my Daughter of 12 months I was filled with sadness. But I signed the dotted line.

Walking to the Taxi I tried not to look back but I knew it could be a memory of their faces I would keep just in case I never came home. That was the reality of going away to a foreign county where the enemy dressed like a normal person.

Now I wake up and I can’t travel outside my village or sit in a park with my Son and Daughter with their children. Hold them and kiss them and play with my Grandchildren.

I can’t visit my Step Daughters and their children and make them laugh, and do normal family things.

I want to visit my 2 friend’s and have a good giggle, chat about stuff. Walk on the river with our cameras and watch our wonderful bird species.

What Restrictions

We are still free, there is no War or a Famine, I am not in a unhappy relationship, with daily physical or mental torture. I am warm not lying in a shop doorway. I know who my wife is, my mind is not deteriorated through age. My sight is still OK, I can hear, smell, touch and make conversation.

Thinking of others is not something everyone does but is important to remember that your not the the only person who has to adapt to a different way of living. The Whole World is doing it.

We are all in the same boat.

When I went away from my Family all those years ago, the rest of the country lived a normal life, I was the one who had restrictions but I got used to it as it became the Normal way of life for 6 months.


It is not a Rehearsal

There is now script to read or learn, you will play many leading parts. Your outfit will change from birth, size, colour, texture, the people in your long play will come and go, the location will change.

You will be sad for part, happy for others, be down then get up. Parts will be hard to play, others easy.

One life live it as they say, that sounds so easy. You can’t rewind it to make it better, or so it didn’t happen. Maybe you will learn quick others slow.

Some will have it hard from the start to finish, others will have the simple part where everything just falls into place. Some won’t find that all comes easy, they will stumble fall again and again.

Others will have the part cut short through now doing of their own, it wasn’t their fault, no chance to rectify it.

Some won’t see it coming, others will make it happen, but all of us have one thing in common.

Life is not a Rehearsal.

You get one chance.


We meet again little Sparrow the time I put your food out is here, you wait patiently in the Holly tree sitting on the splintered branch. Your family watch you from my rooftop waiting for the sign, All is clear.

The lens cap comes off the power is turned on focus, turn your litte brown head for me. O you are so beautiful, no bright colours of red,yellow,green, or blue but different shades of brown. Coffee colour beige and black. Little beak glossy, tiny grey feet.

Male House Sparrow.

You are the reason I look through the camera capturing your beauty, as you sing a song. Your call now can be heard in my living room as my Bella African Grey Parrot mimics your call to perfection.

You have a another species I looked for many years, I was told you are in decline just like many other species that suffer through the Human Race. Your image is printed and sits in my Best Photo album and you will be a star in your own right as my friends see you close up and see for the first time your feather detail.

The food is out see you in the morning my little Sparrow.

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