No Thoughts

This is not negative writing but a first for me and have to describe my feelings.

As readers know my mind play tricks on me and the latest is truly amazing, I have been living up at my static van in the countryside with my 2 Beautiful ladies, Ruth and Bella for 3 weeks.

I came home to our house yesterday and after doing what I had to do I sat down and for a moment I asked myself, why are you not thinking of anything at all. My head felt clear, clean, at peace, are can’t describe how it felt.

It carried on and I could not see my boat by the lake waiting for me to get in and row to the middle.

So I wake and for a second I look out of our bedroom window and see the sun come up, the feeling is still there.

A calmness in my head I wish I could save bottle and sell, so I had to write this as I feel so wonderful.


Germany Barracks to River Bank Wennington

45 years pass since we met, the 2 lads are no grown men no different than when they met. Sitting on the river bank at 6.30am with a flask of coffee is when a Kinfisher lands. They laugh and joke abot many things.


Evening Safari

Sony A7R + Sony A9ll out on the moores with Al to look for wildlife and came across some nice species of bird and a nice Brown Hare. The Skylark were feeding behind a wall as we looked out over the valley. The light was not good but it was a first for Al seeing a pair of Skylarks so close.

Driving back we spotted a Lapwing flying low followed by a Curlew both in a field to our left so I pulled over and parked up so Al could get some pictures, he got some beautiful images of the Lapwing landing.

Driving down the lane to look for the Barn Owl I spotted a Brown Hare and stopped Al took some images before i jumped out and took a few.

A lovely drive out on a beautiful sunny evening.

Picnic in Longsdale

Lovely lunch in the village of Kirby Longsdale by the river looking over the beautiful English countryside. The old village has some lovely buildings and an old church.

A Good Deed

Today I start my day a day like any other, but I want to feel good inside a feeling you get when you do something from the goodness of your heart.

Helping someone in need, giving to a person something small that will help them. Offering your service to someone without a thought for yourself.

We all need help from time to time and giving your time up to help others is satisfying, you need no payment, you need nothing in return, that’s not why I help people.

I think with myself I put it down to leaving home at 15 and sorting everything out myself along the long road of life with twists and turns, not knowing what will wait for me ahead.

I look at my life as a Course one that starts as a child and will last until that glorious day comes, and yes I will take my learning, love, and kindness to another place and help again and teach all I have learned.

Help someone today


Lovely People

When you love the work you do but need people to help achieve it i cant think of anything better than when you meet people that are so helpful and have the same love for wildlife and the beauty it brings us on daily basis for no cost at all. Helping preserve and inform people of the birds and animals that live in our county is so important to me. This drives me on to film and write about the wonderful sightings i see their stories and the struggles they encounter.

With a great area to film i have encountered many species of bird but most of all the Barn Owl which i first sighted over 10 years ago. They still occupy the same building but there different ones and still ringed locally. The past week has seen bad weather but when the air clears and the wind drops the Male Barn Owl is out hunting.

Barn Owl Number 2 No Ring.

So after 2 weeks in one location i decided to change location with the permission of the land owner. I set up by 10.30 this morning and sat in my hide waiting for something to happen. I didn’t have to wait long when the Barn Owl flew through the small grassed area in front of me and made its way into a tree. It was very exciting having only being set up for less than 30 mins.

I then heard a call of a bird i have not heard since 2014, a call you can’t mistake. I zipped down my hide so i could see out of my left hand window just enough to see what was making the sound. I could not believe what i saw another Owl sat up on the edge of the building in the morning sun. One was just amazing but then another flew in. I was in dreamland having 2 species of Owls at the same time feet away.

The Little Owl’s sitting in peace.

Yes you could say i was dreaming but i was soon woke up from my dream when a Common Buzzard landed in the tree at the end of the field. No way would it fly towards me, and top off my day.

Common Buzzard just to top off my day.

All this was possible as 2 lovely ladies that own the property have let me film in this wonderful location, and i hope to film more and video more lovely footage and images with stories to explain the moment.

As i left to get in my car i look over only to see the Barn Owl hunting, i raised my camera and took some images of it as it flew past me.

Friday 22 Day of 2021

I wake again at 4am, I make a cup of tea, Ruth sleeps why I sit with a soft glow lighting the room up. I take a reading of my Heart. It is 40 beats a min, my breathing is very slow.

I want to write but my mind is blank of any thoughts positive or negative, happiness or sadness there all gone.

The gremlins have all left and are replaced by soft ocean waves, bird songs, music to sing to, the vision of the Crocus and Narcissus.

The Rose tree that flowers, birds, light and sun rays i wake up to. Camera gear packed and ready for another adventure.

What is my Aim or objective with the camera and lens in 2021, I must have something to aim towards that will take skill and understanding.

Put into practice all the lessons learned along the way. Will I see the Barn Owl fly again, hunting for food for its family. Will I witness them fledge.

The Kestrel i love so much but rarely capture, it lives in the same building as the Barn Owl.

I worry about the building empty now for 3 years with so much land, another breeding place, a place of safety for the Owl and the Kestrel to live a normal life.

I do hope I don’t see the dreaded white A4 sign on posts near the building, a notice to the public that plans have been submitted for yet another housing estate.

Do I just film birds in flight, is video another avenue I have never bothered with that could be something to pursue.

Street photography and portrait are something I want to do this year with my family the main focus.

There is something very Special this year in May that I want to write about, but I am holding back on as I am not sure if it will take place.

I do hope it happens so I can write and publish lovely images of an event so special.

Taking One Day At A Time

I feeling of not being able to plan ahead is something I have grown used to and took for granted every winter.

Now with that luxury taken away its made me feel how lucky we are to live in a country where we go where we want when we want, with no fear of anything.

Freedom taken for granted

I am Here

I am a friend you will never see.

Trust in me when I say life is not hard right now.

Get a pen when you wake up. Write down what you have

Start with your alive.


Have sight, hearing speech.

Water, food a bed to keep you warm and sleep.

If you have all these then life is not hard

Stay positive

Make a Plan the night before even if its to Smile when you wake up.

Don’t wait till you look out the window and see it raining.


We all have 2 brains one is called the Chimp Model it is your Emotional team that thinks and acts without our permission.


The Logical team is the real person it is you, compassionate and humane.

I know it sounds easy but try and get to know your Chimp.

I don’t watch the news, I don’t read the papers, yes it flashes up on my laptop when I go to search, but I don’t go there. I have trained myself to react to the media. When my eyes see bad news of any kind, negative people, anything to make you feel worse than you already are.

Stop just don’t look, listen and look for something good and nice to do. If your feeling down and watch the news you will feel worse.

You know whats happening in the world, and as soon as things get better you will be the first to be informed by your family or friends.

You can’t change what is happening now in the world but you can change yourself to make you feel better

I never stop from when I wake up, my next carving, photography ideas, walking with my Ruth, teaching Bella new words or making her news toys. I watch Cross Country Ski-ing as I used to do it.

I make bird feeders, nest boxes, cook the tea, make my Ruth breakfast in bed. Feed the Starlings and Blue tits. Edit my photos, do my WordPress blog.

But I still get down everyday for a while but I don’t make a thing of it, I want to go to the shop which is 50 metres away and buy crisps and Chocolate, but I don’t.

The challenges we face have always been there in some form or another. Try and think when you had no worries and were totally happy bet you can’t.

I speak from the heart, I battle with negative thoughts everyday. But I don’t give in I never have.

Message me if you need some guidance or support.

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