4am Thoughts

Waking up with the sound of the little Robin outside the bedroom window, silver birch stood like soldiers no movement. Silent no wind or rain, peace fills the body and mind, a smile starts to make shape on the mans face as he realises what he has, thankful for the wonderful life that he lives. He sits looking out of the window his mind calm like a lake no ripple can be seen, his heart beats like the old bike he had slow but in time. The day is about to begin again another day, one that will be another achievement, to look after his flock the best he can, to make them safe and happy as he is, there needs come first and knowing this makes him happy to continue his day.

Will he rescue another Baby Lamb that is crying for its mum stood feet away and no body to help, it bothers him but freeing it gives him so much joy to see it run and head butt mum under her belly as it craves for her milk. Lifting the little baby bird from the road into the grass, filling the feeders first thing, he sits down with his beautiful Bella and gazes out at the Stunning male Bullfinch as it comes first for sunflower for its young that sing close by. Joined by baby Goldfinch, young Tree Sparrow and Greenfinch.

Bella sits on his shoulder and gently nudges his mouth, the communication between bird and man tells him Bella wants a drink so they walk to the get a drink, bows her head and drinks looking up after she drinks just like all birds do looking for danger, after 3 sips of water Bella looks at her Dad and says “Thanks Dad”. The bond is one only he knows his teaching and knowledge passed to his 3 year old Congo African Grey Parrot. He understands her body language her feather display, her Pupil size, her posture all telling him what mood she is in.

Keeping his flock happy daily is his goal one he has to tend to carefully with love and kindness that always comes first. He can now make a Wooden Owl for his friends or pick the camera up and find some wonderful wildlife to film, pass his knowledge of photography on to his mate. He will run out of time 5am to 2100hrs is not enough in Blackie’s world, but the light will fade eventually and he will lay down knowing his flock is happy and he filled his day with all things he loves in this wonderful life he lives.

I am so grateful for what i have.


Friday 22 Day of 2021

I wake again at 4am, I make a cup of tea, Ruth sleeps why I sit with a soft glow lighting the room up. I take a reading of my Heart. It is 40 beats a min, my breathing is very slow.

I want to write but my mind is blank of any thoughts positive or negative, happiness or sadness there all gone.

The gremlins have all left and are replaced by soft ocean waves, bird songs, music to sing to, the vision of the Crocus and Narcissus.

The Rose tree that flowers, birds, light and sun rays i wake up to. Camera gear packed and ready for another adventure.

What is my Aim or objective with the camera and lens in 2021, I must have something to aim towards that will take skill and understanding.

Put into practice all the lessons learned along the way. Will I see the Barn Owl fly again, hunting for food for its family. Will I witness them fledge.

The Kestrel i love so much but rarely capture, it lives in the same building as the Barn Owl.

I worry about the building empty now for 3 years with so much land, another breeding place, a place of safety for the Owl and the Kestrel to live a normal life.

I do hope I don’t see the dreaded white A4 sign on posts near the building, a notice to the public that plans have been submitted for yet another housing estate.

Do I just film birds in flight, is video another avenue I have never bothered with that could be something to pursue.

Street photography and portrait are something I want to do this year with my family the main focus.

There is something very Special this year in May that I want to write about, but I am holding back on as I am not sure if it will take place.

I do hope it happens so I can write and publish lovely images of an event so special.

Taking One Day At A Time

I feeling of not being able to plan ahead is something I have grown used to and took for granted every winter.

Now with that luxury taken away its made me feel how lucky we are to live in a country where we go where we want when we want, with no fear of anything.

Freedom taken for granted

Join me in being Grateful.

I used to grieve for things I didn’t have, now I am Grateful for all I have.

If your light goes out don’t worry it will shine brighter.

Being Grateful has changed me as a person, it didn’t cost anything it happened because a friend said to me.

Wake up and think what you have in your life, Say Thank you Out Loud. Being Grateful will bring a calm feeling to your life

I am so grateful for finding you on that cold October Night. Me and Ruth. A line i use everyday to me remind me what I didn’t have then had in my life.

Be Grateful for just being alive.

When you read this. Write down or say all the things you can be grateful of.


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