Wildlife Update

arriving late this season was a shame but the wildlife seems to be behind the usual time. The Swallow has only just arrived and the Jacdaw Crow are still collecting material for the nest. But it looks like the Tawny Owl is well into the breeding process with the first young one seen last night.

Saying that the Kingfisher seems to be well behind and not feeding like you would expect at the end of April. I see the first young fledge around 1st May so it will need more observations this week to see if both adults are busy on the river. I have had a fantastic 2 weeks seeing the Red Fox, Roe Deer and Buzzard all in image distance with some great shots to go to my collection.

The Red Fox being my best image of the year so far

Then spending time on the river i came across the Kingfisher and after a few visits i managed to get a few images, which are not the best and i hope to get better when i visit next, as i dont think the young have fledged yet.

So with the first few weeks on site a real good start it just got better when i found out that a Barn Owl Nest Box i built and placed up on the moors in my mates barn has got a adult bringing voles in, means they could have young in it.

I will be updating as i find more birds and animals on site and on my travels


No Sign of the Swallow

Every year for the 7 the Swallow has arrived at the Stables on site, they nest in 3 stables the same every year. They arrive by 19 April at 5he latest so I ask myself what has happened to this amazing little bird that travels 5,000 miles to nest here in the UK

I will keep you posted if they arrive.


Wader Reflection

The little wader feeds on the banking near to me, not a care as it finds food in the moss close to the rivers edge. Blackie sits opposite trying to get the settings right so he can get a nice reflection.

Countryside life update

Beautiful weather Beautiful wife and our Beautiful Bella, you could say we are living the dream. Bird song from the Song Thrush morning and evening, rivers flowing both sides of the site, a Beautiful lake with sun set every evening, Owls flying, Kingfisher fishing, the Dipper with its young.

Looking out at our garden with our little pond, flower’s coming through, the Goldfinch, Greenfinch all feeding well. The nest boxes are all being used, the Blue Tit, Great Tit and Tree Sparrow all taking the nesting materials in for building this year’s nest.

Tree blossom everywhere you look, moss covering the site verge, Blackbirds and Thrush collecting worms for the young. The Grey Wagtail and Pied Wagtail flick their long tails as the young copy them. Picnics by the streams and rivers, villages with smoke coming from the chimney, lambs calling as they start the short journey of life, spring back and forth playing and fighting not knowing it will end in September.

Sitting under the trees at night with Ruth gazing into our real fire. It’s dreamland we smile at each other no words spoken just feelings of joy and peace. Life seems to be rolling along just fine, no money to spend, no Prime Van pulling up outside, no Postman to wave to, no bins to remember. The tempation to go and get a bar of chocolate or sweets from the corner shop is not there.

No cars, vans, bin lorries, voices coming back from the pub. Sirens all day long wondering what has happened now.

Onwards and Upwards.


Dipper and Baby

Arrived this morning to wait for the wildlife to come and have their image taken, I didn’t have to wait long when the adult Dipper came up the river on my side. The juvenile following it copying what mum was doing. The video I took in 4K shows the

Day 8 Countryside Life

River Wenning is low the banks are exposed the water only covers a third of the width. Dipper fly past and the flash of blue is so pleasing

Two lovers in their prime sit on the bank cover by overhanging willow, wild garlic and sage.

The sit arms round each other listening to the water with not a care in the world.

Day 7 Early 5am Dawn

Up made a cuppa and set off yo the Deer Hide, this is the one I built 5 years ago. The sites are amazing when they happen I nearly have 360 degrees to view. Built from Telegraph poles and using the old tree as an anchor it makes a great place to sit.

You don’t always see anything but sitting listening to the birds chorus is so peaceful.

Like anything you don’t put the hours in then don’t expect a fantastic image of anything. The saying The Right Time The Right Place is Wildlife Photography.

6.30 Sun just coming up

Side window Deer Hide

No sightings yet just the Male Pheasant and a Nuthatch calling. It’s still quiet for this time of year, then just as I was about to leave the most beautiful bird landed on the Hide window looked at me and started to fall the female.

The Redstart Male sat a foot away for 5 secs sang his song then flew off. That was so amazing I love the Redstart they turn up late April early May.

The Moors Sunday Evening

Took Al my mate up to the moors just outside Bentham, the light was not that good but what we saw made up for it. I took him to a spot where I know the Short Eared Owl hunts and you see Grouse, Curlew, Lapwing and Skylark, plus the Brown Hare.

We arrive and spotted 2 Curlew over a wall but they reacted to fast flying off. Then we walked down to another wall, then up in the sky I said look Al a Buzzard being chased by a Lapwing, followed by anther big bird. Only a Short Eared Owl.

Al’s face was a picture grinning and looking at his LCD on the A9ll, look Blackie he said Owl you were right. Up on the hill top breaking the natural hill stood a Grouse that I brought Al’s attention to.

With the light fading we headed back to where I thought the SEO would be and as we came across the hill a Barn Owl was hunting in a small valley running from left to right. It could not have got any better when I told Al that the Barn Owl won’t go that area as the SEO and BO don’t get on.

Anyway the BO went across the horizon with a vole and headed to my mates Barn that has a BO nest box in it, I sighted 4 years ago. I said to Al it will be out in less than 5 min and to my word it did.

It went to the place the SEO was and it happened the SEO came out from nowhere and attacked the BO but only both to go in different directions. The BO came back our way and disappeared over towards the barn.

What an hour up on the moors, such great times for Al who is learning all the time but more importantly time spent going something so wonderful with my mate.

Day 6 Countryside Tales

Dawn watching the sun Rise up over Ingleborough where I buried Jake and Monty ashes so they look down on us every morning, and Run free playing together.

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