New Location

My Friend

Set up a new temporary Hide in Bluebell wood. I went back for my tea and returned at 18.45hrs.

As soon as I sat down a Brown Hare went past but I just watched it. Then within minutes a Red Fox went past so I changed location to film it coming back to the woods. It sat for me and I got a lovely 4k video. I moved away so it could get to its cubs.

Our second meeting.

Then I say back in my Hide and above me was a pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers mating something I have never witnessed before. A Jay flew over then a Buzzard.

It could not have gone any better my first time in my new Hide but it did. I spotted 2 white Bums in the field opposite me and it was a Male and Female Roe Deer feeding on the grass.

Just noticed a Male and Female Mallard about 100 feet away I flushed them out today so they may have young down there. You never know what will turn up and being away so long and the woods so quiet the wildlife has got used to peace and quiet.

It’s that quiet I can the chomping on the grass behind me from the Lamb’s The light has gone so I will finish the writing and make my way back to the van.

Slowly I move out of my Hide and treading carefully I made my way along the path, only to be met by the Roe Deer eating the grass from the path edged

Dawn is my time.

The feeling of being the only one up and feeling free and breathing in the fresh morning air is one of the best feelings there can be.

Its my time with nature a time I find hard to describe in words, its the total silence and the sounds you don’t hear unless you make the effort.

I am at peace when I move through the woods filled with Bluebells under the green canopy of leaves. Animals and birds are not awake yet as I make me way to the tree to sit and wait for nature to come to me.

Covered in leaves my 3d Leaf Suit blends me into the surroundings an art I learned being in the military. Fieldcraft skills learned a long time ago stay embedded in my brain.

I love it when the light gets brighter and my eyes focus like my camera lens on trees and flowers. Scanning the area looking for movements and listening for the branch to break or the rustle of a bush.

Born with exceptional eyesight and amazing hearing is such an advantage to a wildlife photographer. Together with Fieldcraft skills and knowledge of the countryside has given me so many wonderful experiences.

This particular morning i was in search of an animal i had never seen in the wild other than on the TV. Word had come my way that there was in an area close to where I was living.

The only problem was that it was on Private land. So I had to take a risk like I had done many times before. The urge to get the shot outweighs the risk if you want it so bad.

Leaning back against the big Pine tree i had positioned myself looking down a small track that had been made my Roe Deer as they made their way through the wood.

Birds were singing as I waited camera ready and the light good the bushes started to move in front of me but I wasn’t expecting a Male Roe Deer to bolt out and head in my direction. Raising my camera I focused on the deer running fast down my lens getting closer and closer.

It happened so quickly and the deer eventually saw me a turned away feet from me. The image I got was a one off as the say.

Roe Deer coming right at me.

After that amazing experience I was so happy I could go home but I had come for another animal. As my excitement calmed down I settled back for so peaceful thoughts listening for anything, staying alert like waiting for the enemy.

It wasn’t long before movement caught my eye. Only feet away the grass moved and it was there looking through the glass if my 400 lens. We looked at each other staring into each others eye. Me feeling so happy and Mr … thing what is the Bush doing at the bottom of a tree with a camera.

My First Red Fox

Priceless is the only word that can describe this memory one that won’t happen again.

Photography has been so rewarding in my life.



On my photography journey there are times when you come across a subject that you are privileged to find, by chance or by word of mouth.

When that happens you always come across obstacles that make your objective harder and sometimes just not possible.

So when I meet a lovely lady called Christine kind and helpful who loves wildlife it started a new opening for me and soon she let her friend know of my work and that lady owns the building where the Barn Owl lives.

Over 10 years of photography covering wildlife I have never had this kindness and it makes me feel so privileged to be able to visit and use the permitted areas to sit in peace and quiet and film wildlife.

Sharing it and telling my wildlife story of how the image or video was captured.

I am hoping the weather and summer will be kind to the Barn Owl so they can breed and raise a family and I can cover the season to the time when the young fledge the nest.

I am keeping the location secret for good reason and I will acting as eyes and ears for the surrounding area for people entering the area or disturbing the Owl.


Great Spotted Woodpecker

My Static van will always have very lasting effect on me because the birds I filmed were many, and ones I won’t get close to again.

When I say that you need to watch this video I took from my bedroom window of a Adult Woodpecker feeding a juvenile on the silver Birch tree

I have so many fantastic images a videos of many species that I have spent many hours filming and gaining knowledge of.

This is in slow motion but it just shows something many people don’t ever see in a lifetime. I have many more videos I will post that are very interesting

Enjoy like I did.


When Eyes meet 2

So the Owl is in my best top ten but it is not only the Owl that fascinated me on my journey with nature.

Take the Dragon Fly insect that never seems to keep still, many hours trying to capture it in flight and others just creeping through the grass when it lands

So one day in the summer of 2012 I was walking along a disused railway when I noticed a dragon fly moving back and forth. Standing still I watched as it settled on a leaf stem.

Being a bit more flexible in those days I crawled forward using the old leopard crawl I had learned in the Army days.

Camera ready I had a Canon 60mm Macro Lens on my Canon 50D. Getting closer and closer I got within inches of it and I as I looked through the lens at its beauty, it seem to look at me straight on.

This was so exciting as I had never seen the detail icon this amazing insect before. So I took about 20 to 30 shots and moved slowly back.

Was this another meeting wher nature and man meet and everything is just perfect. I really don’t know and thats what is great about wildlife photography.

Look at the detail and colour on the Emporium Dragon Fly.?

Looks like its looking down my lens

Long Tailed Tit

This little bird is wonderful to photograph but hard as it moves back and forth looking for insectsvon the tree branches and leaves. I see it at my hide and around the site, in flocks all following each other. They are stunning when seen close up so I hope my images reflect the beauty of this little bird.

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