Ducks in Colours

Walking towards the pond the sound of the ducks gotlouder, feeling no pressure about an image I wanted so we just walked towards the e pond where there was Tufted, Shoveler and Coot all looking nice in the afternoon sun


Up in the early hours I continued to look at my images from Sunday 7th March 21. I regretted that day that I had changed to Jpeg Extra fine giving me a resolution of 51mp.

So you would think that after the Camera had processed it that it would be hard to edit anymore detail to make it look even more stunning. Here is the image before edit

Jpeg before edit

No with a little tinkering I liked the look of B&W and brought the shadows down to make the Egret stand out even more. The detail has to be seen on a HD laptop Samsung Tab or Ipad Pro to epreciate the detail in the face, beak and feathers.

Shot at some would say a high ISO on the A7R4 it has had no noise reduction.

Jpeg after edit.
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