
What can the photographer capture at distance will always be one major factor that will mean the difference between purchasing a camera body. When the person behind the body and the experience together with the right settings and right light conditions is when you can be out of range of your subject but still get a nice image you can post and write about after post editing.

Yesterday I spotted a Curlew in the distance and with sunbehindme I took some images. Using Lightroom mobile I did a very heavy crop and some slight adjustments

Curlew before editing

This is the the power of having megapixels at your disposal. I will be very honest when I say the Sony A7r4 200-600 will stay with me even if in the future I get another camera.

Curlew after crop

The Beast of Resolution.

I will never get over the IQ on this A7R4 the cropping ability and resolution are in my mind the best you cane get.

The colours on this bird that is looked on as a pest is in my eyes a beautiful bird worthy of my time as a wildlife photographer.

My ultimate aim this year is to capture 2 in flight fighting over a space on the feeder.


Watermark Your Snaps

Mark Smith is a fantastic photographer who I get tops off on YouTube. He let’s you into how he sets his camera up. No fancy charts or comparison just honrst true field test of camera’s and Lenses.

I recently visited one of his videos on Sony A7r4 but before he started he inform everyone that he had images stolen on line as they had no Name on them.

I to am not really bothered you downloads my images and tells people there what they took as it gives me a boost to know there being used because there good.

So know I put my name on the bottom corner with a nice colour to blend in with the image background.

It was then that I came across 2 software programs that are free from Playstore. I also think there available for Windows and Apple users.

You can edit them quick with a very easy interface that you can edit without anything to fancy.

It has a nice Insert Text application that can be shared when finished to Instagram, Facebook, and other social media.

You need to look for Pixlr and Snapspeed.

Hope this helps and if you need any advice how to use them message me.


Up in the early hours I continued to look at my images from Sunday 7th March 21. I regretted that day that I had changed to Jpeg Extra fine giving me a resolution of 51mp.

So you would think that after the Camera had processed it that it would be hard to edit anymore detail to make it look even more stunning. Here is the image before edit

Jpeg before edit

No with a little tinkering I liked the look of B&W and brought the shadows down to make the Egret stand out even more. The detail has to be seen on a HD laptop Samsung Tab or Ipad Pro to epreciate the detail in the face, beak and feathers.

Shot at some would say a high ISO on the A7R4 it has had no noise reduction.

Jpeg after edit.

Beware Geese

This time of year the Swan protects his nest and surrounding area like a Soldier guarding his camp, anyone who comes within a large area while his lady swan is sitting on her thrown is dicing death.

While i observed the Swan last year it was clear that the young Canada Goose and Greylag goose are both favorates for chasing even when ther no wher near the nest site.

What is clear is that once the Swan picks out a goose it will persist in chasing around the whole lake even when clear of the nest site, its is just nice that the goose can take off within a few feet so can quickly take off and land.

The Swan above is full attack posture ready to pounce at any minute.

Sony A7r4 200-600

The Barn Owl has a mate. This is the female Identified by brown spots or specs on her stomach. I place a pole in the ground 3 weeks ago and while sitting there today she came in and modelled for me. But there was a brown object just below my lens that messed my composition up. So it’s take 2 as they say. No sharpening needed light good and kept my ISO down. Just edited on my Phone no need for expensive Software if you get a good image in the first place.

Sony 100-400mm Using Aps.c A7r4

Barn Owl Sony A7r4 Sony 100-400

I sat in my hide today waiting for the Barn Owl to land on the post i placed out side the hide. It didn’t take the bait and kept quartering around the field. I had chosen the Sony 100-400 today to do the video on the post so as you can imagine the owl looked so far away dropping down from the 200-600 but still with the APS.C mode on the A7r4 i switched to see what i could get. The light was poor and i decided to use ISO 500 but after looking at them i was under exposed so a tweak in that direction would have given me better image quality.

But my learning was harsh but i know if the Barn Owl comes close i will get some great images with some nice light to help me as well.

The Sweet Spot

Male Tufted Duck

So the story goes i went for a walk round the park with the r74 and 200-600. I set my camera to:

  • RAW
  • f7.1
  • Shutter 1/1600
  • ISO Auto 100-1600
  • Zone Focus
  • Multi Metering
  • Tracking 5 Responsive
  • Steady shot left on
  • Lens mode 2 Horizontal Panning

The camera performed faultless with one image out of 150 slightly out other than that it nailed focus on every image in flight.

Feb Day 1 Photo Challenge

Well it had to be my fav bird of all time, she came out early and took 3 Voles in 20 mins hunting. She is a fantastic bird to film but i have to be aware that if she sees me i will spoil the fun as i don’t want her getting bothered by my being there. Her eyes are so sharp and her hearing is the best in the world, able to hear a vole heart beat. I set my camera to silent and today i really hid well but just before i left i am sure she looked in my direction for a split second. I will leave it for a few days as i want her to have as much freedom as she deserves and is used to.

Just look at the images i took today, not my best as the background messed about with my focus area, but still the different positions she gets into is just amazing.

Water Droplet Afternoon

Water Droplet 90mm f2.8 Macro Lens

Decided after making a bird box that with the weather bad an raining i would retreat to my Loft and set up a new Water droplet stand. It took about 2 hours to make the new stand. Then using a large green glazed bowl i filled with water and placed a shower curtain underneath it to stop any water getting on to the floor.

The first stand i made was not high enough and i could not get nice splashes but it was ok. The new one was about another 3 foot in height. The droplets are very hard to get to drop in a certain way, so i cut a bottle in half and used a plastic tube with a small fitting on the end from a fish tank. The hardest thing to do is to get the droplet in focus when it hits the water. So i used Manual focus with Peaking on with Blue as the colour so when you move the camera towards the droplet it turns blue when its in focus.

There not perfect but the method is correct its just nailing it that’s hard. Another go in the morning using darker water for effect and try some different backgrounds.


Sony A7r4 Sony 90mm Macro Lens Godox Flash and Godox Trigger.

Settings F9 ISO64 Shutter 1/200

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