61 Million Pixels Crop Monster

This is for anyone who wants a Full Frame Camera that can keep all its Image quality even with an Ext fitted Crop until your hearts content and produce an image like this.

The Beast of Resolution.

I will never get over the IQ on this A7R4 the cropping ability and resolution are in my mind the best you cane get.

The colours on this bird that is looked on as a pest is in my eyes a beautiful bird worthy of my time as a wildlife photographer.

My ultimate aim this year is to capture 2 in flight fighting over a space on the feeder.


Beware Geese

This time of year the Swan protects his nest and surrounding area like a Soldier guarding his camp, anyone who comes within a large area while his lady swan is sitting on her thrown is dicing death.

While i observed the Swan last year it was clear that the young Canada Goose and Greylag goose are both favorates for chasing even when ther no wher near the nest site.

What is clear is that once the Swan picks out a goose it will persist in chasing around the whole lake even when clear of the nest site, its is just nice that the goose can take off within a few feet so can quickly take off and land.

The Swan above is full attack posture ready to pounce at any minute.

Sony A7r4 200-600

The Barn Owl has a mate. This is the female Identified by brown spots or specs on her stomach. I place a pole in the ground 3 weeks ago and while sitting there today she came in and modelled for me. But there was a brown object just below my lens that messed my composition up. So it’s take 2 as they say. No sharpening needed light good and kept my ISO down. Just edited on my Phone no need for expensive Software if you get a good image in the first place.

The Sweet Spot

Male Tufted Duck

So the story goes i went for a walk round the park with the r74 and 200-600. I set my camera to:

  • RAW
  • f7.1
  • Shutter 1/1600
  • ISO Auto 100-1600
  • Zone Focus
  • Multi Metering
  • Tracking 5 Responsive
  • Steady shot left on
  • Lens mode 2 Horizontal Panning

The camera performed faultless with one image out of 150 slightly out other than that it nailed focus on every image in flight.

Feb Day 1 Photo Challenge

Well it had to be my fav bird of all time, she came out early and took 3 Voles in 20 mins hunting. She is a fantastic bird to film but i have to be aware that if she sees me i will spoil the fun as i don’t want her getting bothered by my being there. Her eyes are so sharp and her hearing is the best in the world, able to hear a vole heart beat. I set my camera to silent and today i really hid well but just before i left i am sure she looked in my direction for a split second. I will leave it for a few days as i want her to have as much freedom as she deserves and is used to.

Just look at the images i took today, not my best as the background messed about with my focus area, but still the different positions she gets into is just amazing.

Redshank in Flight


Why i waited for the Widgeon a Redshank flew in from the left, the problem where i was filming is that the dark mud and shadows make it so hard to get a clear nice background, always looking dark. Sits not the best place for images but if they take to flight you get an area where the background is grass like on of the Widgeon images.

Widgeon from Russia Scandinavia and Iceland


I sat a watched the Widgeon today and had my camera with me, i was amazed to see the Widgeon approaching up the estuary and waddle up to the grass area on the other side. There a very shy bird and arrive here in winter from Iceland, Russia and Scandinavia. There a Protected bird and on the Amber endangered list.

My settings were just right and i had to shoot at ISO2000 but my images are ok even at that, i could only get a shutter speed of 2500.

Starlings Have Arrived

i love this time of the year when the Starlings arrive from Russia and congregate in our sycamore tree in the back garden. Most people do not see past the bird that strips the feeders. They are overlooked for being a pest but i do to photograph them at this time of year. They breed in and around the house and when the young fledge its a great time to photograph them as they all cram in tight in the small garden pond.

Take a look at the colours on the face and neck.

Birds in Flight Sony A7R4 200-600+1.4 Ext

Out this morning on the coast and was lucky to arrive when the tide was just going out, so i was ready when the Sanderlings came in followed by the Oystercatcher all flying in fast to land. No problem for the 74 and 200-600to lock on to 95 percent and give me my best action shots of the both birds. Any tells you that the A7r4 is not a birding camera is has no skill at wildlife photography, the truth is in the images

All images were taken with the 1.4 extender fitted

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