The Barn Owl Close Up detail

This is a look at the Barn Owl body and the different parts of her body. The head. tail feathers wing feathers and the face. Its beauty at its best with stunning detail, and just look at the talons there razor sharp. I know as i freed one from my wildlife hide in 2018. and it took 40 mins and the Owl had no option but to sink the talons deep inside my palm of my hand entering in one place and coming out in an other. It had no idea i was trying to save it.

Not Just A Duck

We have a certain perception of the Mallard that comes to us fir food, entertaining us with their laughter. They are such a beautiful bird with stunning colours, but overlooked as just a Duck.

The time I have spent filming them has taught me a lot about the life the lead. The life starting out being hunted by other birds, pike, cats and anything else that will take the little chick.

That is why I feel I am a hypocrite at times. You should not love something take pictures of, write about then Eat them.

I gave up eating Duck many years ago and I feel a need to stop eating meat all together.

So the little Duckling has given me lots of please over the years and a few lovely videos I have captured just show how hard life is for them, going from a small baby bird to adulthood.

From The Loft To The Kitchen!

Guess where i am now.

Yes its just another image of water, but take a look on a certain site for an image of water droplets and you wont see anything like this and what you do see cost anywhere from £15 all the way to 50.

Blackie’s Photography Tips.

self teaching has its downfalls but you learn so much and by learning you put the issues to practice. So i thought it would be nice to share a few of my tips that could help you. If your new to photography or even a professional.

Card Slots

We have all done it and, rushed out and got to a location remembering that the card is in the Laptop.

Tip: carry a spare SD card in your jacket you may never need it but its there.


Yes i have done it this week arrived at the the beach weather lovely and only have %60 battery.

Tip carry a Power bank with a USB charger with a USB cable. There that slim now you can have it in your pocket and charge a spare battery while you carry on photographing.

Lens Wipes

Tip carry a few in your jacket, Ziess wipes are the best and can be expensive but the glass clears without touching the glass with a cloth. If you do wipe your glass never rub it dry, breath on it first and always start from the centre and move cloth round in a clockwise movement once.

Shadow and Light

My 4 th day trying to get the face image with shapes made by passing light through an object. I used many methods and say in many positions. I have massive focus issues using a self timer and manual focus. But in the end I used a Sony App to control my Sony A7r4.

There not razor sharp but the method and angles seem to be right. Just a case of using different objects and angle.

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